
Nothing is more dangerous than a restructuring executed half-heartedly

Regular modifications of the structural organisation are necessary in order to account for the changes in the overall environment.

The reasons for restructuring range from mergers and the reorganisation of individual business fields to the restructuring of sales channels. Since restructuring projects change the general framework and are highly complex, professional project management is crucial for success. The project management can entail many elements such as: best practices, benchmarking, costs-benefits evaluations, simulations, analyses, and quantification of efficiency potential.

We assist our customers in the operational implementation using project- and integration management which entails classical project office activities, as well as the competence to accompany contentual issues.There are many ideal models with new concepts; crucial, however, is the concrete, realised configuration.

"If you want to build a high tower, you will need to dwell on the foundation."
Anton Bruckner