Sales and marketing

Classical opposites should be solved in sales and marketing

Many banks are confronted with the situation that, on the one hand, competition is growing even beyond classical competitors, but, on the other hand, the costs for marketing and sales keep rising while revenues are decreasing. For a couple of years now, banks have countered this trend with restructuring programmes for marketing. The goal is to sell more, cheaper and at better conditions. In the meantime, almost everybody has executed such optimizations – some even more than one. But were they successful?

We assist our customers in sales on the base of our 360° profitability approach, which offsets many classical opposites:

Combination of product- and execution standardization via standardized and replicable services and execution processes in the background. This is coupled with an individualization of the customer’s offerings by compositing the specific customer’s solutions out of standard modules.

Non-value-adding activities, such as processing and administration, are centralized by shifting them from the sales teams to back-office. Thus, the sales teams can intensify customer relationships by means of measurable activities.

The sales activities are mobilized through explaining and demonstrating the measures and the innovations on site; the sales teams are then strictly monitored with permanent transparency and communication of results.

"The only worker with a permanent customer orientation that I ever met was a store detective." Reinhard K. Sprenger